„Why fit in when you were born to stand out?“

(Dr. Seuss)

Take a strong personality, a character with principles and very clear values. Feel her burning fire, the captivating sparkle in her eyes and recognize her visions, desires, dreams and the irrepressible passion as soon as dance, song or music in general becomes the topic. Feel her 100 percent commitment and appreciate the absolute reliability and perfectionism, with which she performs every little, "insignificant" step, right up to the final touch and adding her personal brand. Be surprised by her versatility and changeability, be amazed and bewitched by her presence, charisma and projection, with which she literally casts a spell over the audience and her fellow human beings. You get quality for all the senses, a heartfelt nature, plus that ‘certain something’.

... Welcome to the journey of Debora Rusch.

